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Not-so-fast food and a lesson in economics

Yesterday, stocks closed mixed on a bumpy day which left even the most seasoned Wall Street vets grasping for solid answers. The US economy grew faster than economists predicted, which SHOULD be a good thing… for everyone. The important things. I did it. It was not my first experience, but it was the first at…

A Quick Primer on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)-Driven Investments

In 2008, researcher Alexander Dahlsrud examined 37 different definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)1 . That was 15 years ago, and you probably may not be surprised to learn that there is still not 1 overarching, accepted definition. Of Dahlsrud’s 37 definitions, one of my favorites is “CSR is the voluntary assumption by companies of…

Knowing what is a baby and what is bathwater is paramount

Stocks were routed yesterday as weak-handed investors let loose some of their favorite mega cap techs, opting for easy Treasuries. Flash manufacturing PMI slipped into contraction zone, but overall sentiment is carried higher by services. Get smart. To evoke that immortal phrase made popular by the 1960s TV sitcom’s lead character Maxwell Smart, “would you…

Economic theory is real and it’s not supernatural forces at work

Stocks gave investors a bumpy ride yesterday as they digested mixed earnings. Candidate-apparent Kamala Harris closes in on rival Trump, but still has plenty of ground to cover. Reality for realtors. How could something as simple as supply and demand be real? You see what economists look like – not that you should judge us…

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